13 Run Pool Rules
How its played
Participants are assigned to a real baseball team to represent them. It's best to choose random MLB teams for each participant. Win or lose, each team's run total at the end of the game is recorded. The winning team is the first to record every run from 0 to 13.
Ties are possible. The team that records every run first wins. If multiple teams record their last run on the same day, the team with fewer games played will be chosen as the winner.
If a tie still exists, the team which scored the largest run first wins. Descend though each run until the date differs between the teams. For example, the team which scored run 13 first wins. If they scored run 13 on the same date, the team which scored 12 runs first wins.
Score Keeping
Final run totals are recorded with the date the regular season game started. Games that are postponed, suspended, cancelled or considered unofficial for any reason are not recorded. Final run totals for rescheduled games or resumed games are recorded with the later date.
All regular season games count. Occasionally, a team may play more or less than 162 games. The extra games will count in the standings just as unplayed cancelled makeup games cannot count.
End of the Season
Pools that start too late in the season may not have a team with all the runs needed to win. In this case, split the win between the teams with the most marks. These are the teams most likely to win had there been more games to play.
Each participant should pay equal amounts for a single entry to the pool and the winner receives the pot. If there are less than 30 participants, participants are permitted pay for addition entries at the same cost. Alternatively, teams can be left owned and ignored as potential winners.
Like with any game, there are variations of these rules. Pools with differing rules need to note those rules before the pool starts. If there's a conflict, consider differing to the rules and results given here as an unbias decision maker.